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FREE Guitar Lesson Videos

Here are some free samples of my teaching style and techniques

Most of the videos come with a free guitar TAB download and/or a free backing track. Let me know how you get on!

What should my next guitar lesson video be about? If you find these FREE guitar lesson videos useful, please help me out by:

The CAGED System (Minor)

A series of six guitar lesson videos on the minor side of the CAGED system, aimed at intermediate to advanced players. The CAGED system is a method of learning the five main shapes of all the scales, chords, arpeggios and modes across the whole guitar neck in all 12 keys.

Each of these CAGED guitar lesson videos comes with a free PDF worksheet download.

I demonstrate and explain each lesson in detail and then show you how to practice it efficiently with other lessons from this series.

Topics covered include: the natural minor scale, minor pentatonic scale, minor chords, minor seventh chords, minor arpeggios, minor 7th arpeggios and root shapes. I also discuss relevant guitar techniques and music theory.

CAGED system minor lessons 1-6

String bends

A series of fourteen guitar lesson videos covering the different types of string bends, aimed at beginner to advanced players.

These techniques are mainly used on the electric guitar. String bends can be very difficult on the acoustic guitar.

Each string bending lesson comes with a free guitar TAB download, so that you can also learn what the technique looks like written down.

I demonstrate and explain each string bend in detail.

String Bend lon Gibson SG Standard Electric Guitar

Essential guitar techniques

A series of sixteen guitar lesson videos on essential guitar techniques, aimed at beginner to advanced players.

These techniques are relevant to both acoustic and electric guitarists.

Most of these Essential Guitar Techniques lessons come with a free guitar TAB download, so that you can also learn what the technique looks like written down..

I demonstrate and explain each technique in detail.

Guitar teacher Cliff Smith teaching artificial harmonics

Lesson 1

Technique #1: holding the pick

Lesson 2

Technique #2: basic strumming

Lesson 3

Technique #3: alternate picking

Lesson 4

Technique #4: economy picking

Lesson 5

Technique #5: hammer ons

Lesson 6

Technique #6: pull offs

Lesson 7

Technique #7: trills

Lesson 8

Technique #8: slides

Lesson 9

Technique #9: vibrato

Lesson 10

Technique #10: palm muting

Lesson 12

Technique #12: pick scrape

Lesson 13

Technique #13: rakes

Lesson 14

Technique #14: tremolo picking

Lesson 15

Technique #15: natural harmonics

Blues licks

A series of ten guitar lesson videos on blues licks, aimed at beginner to intermediate players.

You will hear some Chuck Berry and Eric Clapton sounds, and some classic blues turnarounds.

Each of these blues lick lessons comes with free guitar TAB and blues backing track downloads.

I demonstrate and explain the lick in detail and then show you how to combine it with other licks from the series to make your own guitar solos.

Topics covered include: hammer ons, pull offs, double stops, slides, tone bends, unison bends, blues bends, targeting chord tones, music theory and octave transpositions.

Blues licks video thumbnail - Cliff Smith Guitar Lessons London

Lesson 1

Blues Licks, Lesson 1: Double stop lick with slide

Lesson 2

Blues Licks, Lesson 2: Double stop lick with bend

Lesson 3

Blues Licks, Lesson 3: The ‘four note’ lick

Lesson 4

Blues Licks, Lesson 4: The ‘Clapton’ lick

Lesson 5

Blues Licks, Lesson 5: The ‘dominant seventh’ lick

Lesson 6

Blues Licks, Lesson 6: Unison bends

Lesson 7

Blues Licks, Lesson 7: The ‘turnaround’ lick

Lesson 8

Blues Licks, Lesson 8: The ‘Poison’ lick

Lesson 9

Blues Licks, Lesson 9: Blues turnaround #1

Lesson 10

Blues Licks, Lesson 10: Blues turnaround #2

The CAGED System (Major)

A series of seven guitar lesson videos on the major side of the CAGED system, aimed at intermediate to advanced players. The CAGED system is a method of learning the five main shapes of all the scales, chords, arpeggios and modes across the whole guitar neck in all 12 keys.

Each of these CAGED guitar lesson videos comes with a free chord and scale diagram download.

I demonstrate and explain each lesson in detail and then show you how to practice it efficiently with other lessons from this series.

Topics covered include: the major scale, major pentatonic scale, major chords, major seventh chords, major arpeggios and root shapes. I also discuss relevant guitar techniques and music theory.

CAGED system video thumbnail - Cliff Smith Guitar Lessons London

How to learn the notes on the guitar

A series of six guitar lesson videos on how to learn the notes on the guitar. Knowing where the notes are opens up so many doors for you – your music theory is useless if you don’t know where to put it! You will learn chords and scales faster and find it easier to remember songs.

Lessons 1-5 come with a free guitar tab download.

I demonstrate and explain each lesson in detail and then show you how to practice the exercises efficiently.

Topics covered include: open string names, sharps flats and naturals, enharmonic equivalents, octaves, the order of the notes, chromatic scales, fret position markers (neck dots), notes above the 12th fret, the cycle of 4ths, notes for further study. I also discuss relevant guitar techniques.

How to learn the notes on the guitar video thumbnail - Cliff Smith Guitar Lessons London

Lesson 1

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 1

Lesson 2

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 2

Lesson 3

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 3

Lesson 4

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 4

Lesson 5

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 5

Lesson 6

How to learn the notes on the guitar, lesson 6

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